CACSD tools: a MathWorks perspective                       

Dr. Pascal Gahinet, The MathWorks 





Software tools are playing an increasingly central role in the adoption and dissemination of CACSD techniques throughout academia and industry. As a leading provider of such tools for the past 20 years, MathWorks has been actively involved in shaping and facilitating the software revolution
in control systems engineering.

This talk looks at some trends and challenges in building the next generation of CACSD tools. We discuss ongoing efforts to make control technology less intimidating and more widely accessible. We showcase the merits of integrated tool chains for professionals and students alike. Finally, we highlight some technical challenges in building reliable general-purpose tools and discuss related work on numerical algorithms and time-delay modeling.


Pascal Gahinet graduated in 1984 from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and got a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1989. From 1990 to 1996 he was a research fellow at INRIA, France with interests in numerical sofware, robust control theory, and LMI-based design. He was one of the co-authors of the LMI Control Toolbox. He has been with The MathWorks since 1996, first as lead developer for the Control System Toolbox, and more recently as technical manager of the Control & Identification product family.